- Whenever you can find a low price on milk and there is no limit to how many you can buy, freeze it. You need to take some of the milk off the top because it will expand. I usually use the one in the fridge already. This will help if milk will be pricey for a while. When you thaw it, you will want to shake it so it goes back to it's regular consistency. I usually buy 2% and this works fine.
- Make your own mixes. You can make pudding, cream of soup mix, corn bread mix and a number of others and still have the convenience. You just made it yourself. You will also enjoy the benefits of less salt and extra things you may not want in your family's diet.
- Use coupons and refunding on any item you can use. I've been cutting my grocery bill in half with this one! What fun! This week I got a free Country Bob's steak sauce, Idahoan potatoes and Coffee Mate!
- Try free samples. If you can test before you invest, you will know what to expect from the product if you choose to buy it. Hopeflly, you will receive a coupon with your sample!
- Do as much of your shopping as you can in one day. I can't always do this, but it does save gas and time. Never waste a trip by only doing one thing!
- Make your own yogurt and buttermilk. Simple to do and so good!
- If you have them available to you, you may wish to participate in the Share Program and/or the Angel Tree Ministry food packs.
- Plant a garden. We did not have a great deal of luck with this this year since it was so dry, but it is still producing some. Any bad produce goes to the chickens. :) We will be planting garlic soon.
- Only run your dishwasher once per day. Do them in the sink when electricity is running too high. Don't use the drying function on dishwasher.
- Hang clothes on the line. Do full loads. Make your own laundry detergent.
Well, that's a start. I may do this again soon.