1. Keep your bills organized so you do not have to pay late fees.
2. Cut your own and your families hair. I learned this by watching my dear mother-in-law, but you could check out a book from the library.
3. Use your library. It's free! Don't forget they also have movies and such. :)
4. Keep your pantry and refrigerator cleaned out. Once a week would be ideal, but that doesn't always happen around here. Make sure you use up what's in there. Letting it go to waste is a real food budget spoiler too!
5. Learn to darn socks. This is quite simple and will extend the life of your families socks! Mending in general will extend the life of clothing. So many women just replace things these days and wonder why they can't make ends meet or have to go to a job.
6. Shop the thrift stores and garage sales. You never know what you might find! I recent;y bought some flannel for .25 and will be able to make at least 2 rice bags out of each piece!
7. Teach yourself new skills using the internet. Use your internet time wisely and pick up a skill that will benefit your home. Some of my favs are www.hillbillyhousewife.com, www.lainesletters.com and www.recipegoldmine.com .
8. Enlist your children's help. You need your energy to run a household so let them help put away, feed pets, make beds, set table, help cook, fold laundry, etc. These will be valuable skills in their future. This may not sound frugal, but it will help you to utilize your time better to be more frugal.
9. Make your own laundry soap. Recipe coming soon. :)
10. Question each expense in your household and ask yourself,"Is there a way to do this more effectively and at lower cost?"
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
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