Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here is a recipe for dishwasher detergent that actually works! I do not use the essential oils.
1 C Baking Soda
1C Borax
1/2 C Salt
1/4 C Citric Acid Powder

Mix all ingredients together. Use one to two tablespoons of detergent per load of dishes, depending on water hardness.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Deer Recipes

It will soon be deer season again. I hope to have a full freezer again soon. This is how I handle deer meat.
First, I prefer my husband get a doe or young buck. It tastes gamier when it's a buck. If he does get a buck, I soak the meat in beef broth to help improve the flavor.
I like to use the crockpot whenever I can. I often chop an onion and put in the bottom of the crockpot. I then add the meat. I then add varying combinations of these ingredients: soy sauce, worcester sauce, lemon juice, brown sugar, garlic (powdered or from the garden) , fresh grated ginger and other seasonings. I don't really use a set recipe for this, but my family loves it. :)
One my hubby started making was to put the chopped onion in the crockpot. Then slice the meat and dredge in milk (I use dry milk that's been reconstituted) and then seasoned flour. Fry the meat in a little oil/bacon grease works well too. Place the meat over the onions. Then pour cream of mushrom or whatever soup on the deer meat. I often have made my own cream of soup mix. It's less expensive and has less salt. It works fine in this recipe.
My grandmother always made a deer roast on Sunday. It was similar to a Yankee Pot Roast. I'd go to her house on Monday because she would use what was left to make bbq. It was so good!
You could also use venison for soup, stew or about any other recipe that calls for beef. Remember it is very lean meat and you will likely need to add some sort of fat to it.