Thursday, October 22, 2009

An Update

It has been some time since I've posted here and it needs to be done. We have now been in our new home for slightly over a year. Getting things like I like them has been a slow process and still evolving.
School is going well and I'm trying to introduce my children to lapbooking. They seem to enjoy learning so much more now than they did one year ago.
My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in August while boys and I were on a trip to Illinois for my niece's wedding. to make a long story short, we ended up at Cardinal Glennon Hospital for 3 days. My husband joined us as soon as he could. The whole thin with 4 shots per day has been a huge adjustment for all of us. The doctor says we are doing well.
With all this, my couponing kind of went to the way side for a while, but now that the bills are coming in, I'm starting again and doing pretty well. My last grocery shopping trip was $130.00 and I managed to knock $30.00 off of that. With better planning, I'd have beaten that!
I liked the picture above so just thought I'd share. I love both cats and chickens!