Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year and Saving on Food Again

I've recently started doing part of my grocery shopping at scratch and dent stores. Here is a page where you might find some in your area I know there are more than this in our area, so don't depend o nthis list to be exhaustive. It's not, but it's a start.

I'm also trying to track the coupon savings I do this year. Go to and download her program.

Life continues and our home is such a blessing. My older son says things like, "How can you give or get a shot while laughing?!" I guess we're just glad to be living in a time when diabetes can be managed.

I'd love to start making my own mixes again, but haven't found a great deal of info on doing this for a diabetic. I am still looking though. Hope your New Year is blessed.

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