Sunday, June 24, 2007

Daily Laundry

Once you are caught up on yor laundry, you will need to keep it that way. This is how I do it. It is certainly not ever written in stone so don't get hung up on you must do this much even when something else needs your attention like a sick child, family emergency, etc.

One day per week is scheduled as heavy laundry day. You will want to stay caught up on this day and do whatever did not get done on your other days. You may wish to have one day as your "odd load" day. On this day, you will wash whatever you wouldn't wash in a normal load like anything delicate or needs a special wash. Eventually, you will find things you put off before will simply fall into this category and you will begin to keep up with them. The other days you will do 2 loads per day or more according to your family size. Remember, you will be removing unwanted and outgrown clothing as you go so hopefully the amount of clothing in your home will lessen. I normally take Sunday off and one other day per week (usually a day I will be gone from home) according to how much laundry I have at the time.

Whatever you do, make sure the laundry you do that day gets put away on that day. I struggle with this because I'm normally exhausted at the end of the day so I must start early. Every item needs to have a place. Hangup clothing needs hungs, towels need to be in their place, sheets and pillowcases need a place and all hung or folded neatly for ease of use. If you do not have a place for something, you will need to rethink an area and use it for needed storage.

Hope this helps.

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